Kosher Organics – We are in this together!
Kosher Organics is a mission driven organization whose vision is to bring healthy and sustainable lifestyles to kosher consumers and beyond.
Today the vision of a worldwide movement towards a sustainable future is necessary and inevitable and is changing the choices being made by consumers in the way they live, eat and shop. At Kosher Organics we support this worldwide change towards a vision for health and sustainability.
As heirs of a Jewish tradition of stewardship that goes back to Genesis – beginning with the commandment for Adam and Eve to serve and protect the Garden of Eden- we accept the responsibility of protecting human health, the diversity of life and the earth and its future, as a value emphasized in Torah, Talmud, and rabbinic literature throughout the ages.
Our mission is to contribute to this movement, not just in our advocacy of green products and natural and organic foods for kosher consumers, but to be a source of information, education and support for the social, agricultural and business communities on a local and global scale.
At Kosher Organics we support environmentally responsible initiatives to protect the earth and its inhabitants, and we donate funds to worthwhile organizations that benefit you, the place you live, and the environmental future for tomorrow.
Clearly, man by his very presence here, has a role to play on the planet as an integral part of the system. As the dominant life form on earth we have the greatest interest on our impact on the rest of nature, because we are all in this together.